Cost Breakdown (Estimates)

Housing Type Rent (minimum to maximum) Food Other (furniture) Total
On-campus $12,986 (traditional single) to $13,228 (modern single) $3,634 (Bronze) 

+ $450 ($50/month for 9 months)

n/a $17,070 – $17,312
Off-campus WUSTL $13,228 (FSL/Moonrise) to
$14,082 (Apartments)
$1,018 (off-campus meal plan) to $1,636 (apartment meal plan) 

+ $1,350 ($150/month for 9 months)

n/a $15,596 – $17,068
Off-campus $7,200 ($550/month rent + $50/month utilities/Wi-Fi) to $10,200 ($800/month rent + $50/month for utilities/Wi-Fi) $1,018 (off-campus meal plan) 

+ $1,350 ($150/month for 9 months)

$300 $9,868 – $12,868

(includes 3 extra months [12] of housing)

$8,068 – $10,318

(if sublet to others for 3 months [9])


  • On-campus housing is expensive. However, you are typically much closer to classes and facilities (i.e., gym, laundry, and printing), the rooms come furnished, and, especially during freshman and sophomore year, your friends are all nearby.
  • Traditional vs. Modern Residence Halls
    • *Disclaimer: we recognize that what is deemed as a “pro” or “con” will vary per student, so the charts below is just one perspective
      • Traditional
    Pros of Traditional Residence Halls Cons of Traditional Residence Halls
    Lower cost Older rooms
    Great bonding with floor Shared bathroom with floor
      • Modern
    Pros of Modern Residence Halls Cons of Modern Residence Halls
    More amenities Not many random run-ins with floormates
    Fewer people sharing a bathroom Higher Cost
    • Other
      •  Living Learning Communities (LLC)
        • The LLC program funnels students into on-campus housing and places 4-24 WashU students on the same floor with a common interest (e.g., puzzles, surfing, pizza) to live together and explore that interest further through WashU funded events. This includes a common room for hosting events.
        • “I got to experience a very relaxed and informative environment where I was able to create relationships based on common experiences and backgrounds at WashU and  in the world. I had a lot of fun learning about the diversity within the black community, planning engaging programs and eating delicious local free food during family dinners. Living in Hamsini significantly reduced the stress that I experience from attending a P.W.I. (Predominantly White Institution). It allowed me to be myself, and feel comfortable and safe while being a part of a unifying community.” – Kiarra Womack, 2021
      • Greek Houses
        • Sororities do not have on-campus houses. They have suites in the Women’s Building. 
        • Fraternities have houses on-campus. This is another housing option if you join the Greek community.


      • WashU-owned off-campus housing
    Pros Cons
    Arranged through Residential Life More expensive than on-campus housing + third-party apartments
    Maintenance is through WashU Not always close to campus
    No separate bills (for electricity, wifi, etc.) Have to go through WashU housing process
      • Third-party apartments
        • SFS will typically refund a portion of your financial aid award (that was once allocated to cover on- campus housing) if you opt to live off-campus, which can be used for rent, food, furniture, etc. 
    Pros Cons
    Generally inexpensive Variable quality in rental units
    Independence Dealing with landlords can be challenging
    Occasionally free parking Can be far away from campus

    Finding Housing During the Summer

      • Sublet: Offer someone to sign onto your lease for a short-period of time

    Work for Free or Reduced Housing

    • Sophomore Year: The top five Congress of the South 40 (CS40) exec members only pay 60% of the cost for a traditional double (or get the equivalent amount discounted from a different South 40 housing option).
    • Junior and Senior Year: Resident Advisors (RAs) get free housing and half of a silver meal plan paid  the first year of being an RA, and free housing with all of the silver meal plan paid for the second year of being an RA.